Turns out that everyone is giving conflicting information. I came across this article from April 2009 that polled a number of well-known experts and some said don’t wear white and others said it didn’t matter. Surprisingly, Peggy Post said that wearing white is acceptable. Here is the link Would You Wear White To Someone Else's Wedding? | The Frisky.
Well, all I can say is my opinion and provide a few guidelines for you to live by. Of course I’m more traditional and conservative than most, but I always consider others feelings, which I think is most important when you’re attending an event such as a wedding, bridal shower, baby shower etc. You don’t want to take the spotlight off the guest of honor, bottom line.

I tried to find some pictures of dresses that I thought could be looked as appropriate, but really probably are not.
What is your opinion on wearing white dresses to weddings? I’d love to hear some of your stories/experiences.